Hi Everyone,
I am from Turkey.. I have been living in Brazil since 2010..
After I got married with my wife, I realized there are many people have contact between Brazil and Turkey. Some of them for business, some of them for relationship, some of them for touristic etc..
I had no intention have a blog, but past few monts I have seen many different misinformation on the social networks..
People think, if they visit a country at once or living there for few months, It would make them expert about giving a decision or making a judgement about a country. But the truth is, it takes long time to know and get better about a foreign culture and the people life style.
So, I decided to create a blog for giving the correct and right info as much as possible about my country, about my culture and share my experiences about Brazil..
When I set up everything in my blog I would start to share more details, because I am so new for creating a blog :))
Have a Great Day..
how ınterestıng!